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  • How can I receive bankruptcy notices electronically?

    The U.S. Bankruptcy Courts encourage the bankruptcy community to utilize Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (EBN). EBN is a free service that allows court notices to be transmitted electronically, delivering them faster and more conveniently. Some of the advantages to electronic noticing are:

    • Court notices are sent the same day they are produced by the court.
    • You can access your court notices 24/7.
    • Court notices that would be mailed to multiple locations can be routed to a centralized electronic address.
    • Storing court notices to your computer means you never lose a paper copy.
    • Court notices can easily be forwarded around the office or to your attorney.

    For more information and to register for this service, please go to You may also contact EBN Customer Service at 1-877-837-3424 or Note: If you are an attorney who already receives your notices via CM/ECF Notice of Electronic Filing, then you do not need to register for this service.


  • How do I register a preferred address for bankruptcy notices?

    The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 amended Title 11 U.S.C. § 342(f) to permit a creditor to specify a preferred mailing address to be used by all the bankruptcy courts or by particular bankruptcy courts for providing notices.

    Please visit the National Creditor Registration Service for information about the service and to register.

  • How do I create a Creditor Mailing List (Matrix)?

    Information about Creditor Mailing Lists (Matrix)

    The mailing list/matrix is a list of the names and addresses of creditors and parties in interest in a bankruptcy case. This information is used for noticing and also for claims information when applicable. The debtor is responsible for providing complete information on the matrix.

    Per Local Rule 1007-2, the clerk’s office will not compare the names and addresses of the creditors listed in the schedules with the names and addresses shown on the master list or any amendment.

    The mailing lists may be submitted to the clerk’s office in electronic format (diskette or CD) in Plain Text Format (.txt). Please do not save as Rich Text Format. The mailing list may also be submitted in written format, preferably type written.

    Instructions for Preparation

    • Use one single column per page.
    • Names and addresses should be left justified so they are flush against the left margin, with no leading blanks.
    • The name and address of each creditor shall not be more than five (5) lines.
    • Each line may contain no more than 40 characters including blank spaces.
    • Do not include the name and address of the debtor or the debtor’s attorney to the list as they will be added by the court.
    • If the debtor is a corporation or partnership, the debtor must include the names and addresses of all corporate officers or general partners on the matrix.
    • Use upper and lower case. Not all caps.
    • Avoid abbreviations unless it is part of the company’s name as listed on the petition.
    • Special characters such as @#$%^&*()_+? are not permitted.
    • Do not use periods at the end of words or lines.
    • “Attention” lines listed on the second line if applicable.
    • For security reasons, please do not include account numbers with creditor information.
    • Do not include amounts owed.
    • City, state and zip code must be on one (1) line.
    • City, state, and zip code must be on the last line of the address.
    • Nine digit Zip Codes typed with a hyphen separating the two groups of digits.
    • All states must be two-letter abbreviations.
    • Individual creditors separated by at least one blank line.
    • Do not include page titles, page numbers, headers, footers, etc.
    • A “Verification of Creditor Matrix” form may be prepared and filed as a cover sheet to the Creditor Matrix.
    • A supplemental or amended creditor(s) matrix shall include only new creditors(s) not previously submitted. Do not include creditor(s) submitted on a previous diskette. Refer to L.B.R. 1009-1(a) for additional information on amending the Creditor Mailing Address Matrix
    • If the debtors wish to change the address of a creditor already submitted, file a written notice indicating a Change of Address and do not file an amended matrix.

    Sample Matrix

    First City National Bank of Beaumont
    Po Box 3391
    Beaumont, TX 77704
    Flex Northwest
    1540 N.W. 46th Street
    Seattle, WA 98372
    General Welding Supply Co.
    PO Box 3617
    Baltimore, MD 20984
    George S. Bush Export, Inc.
    1400 Exchange Building
    Buffalo, NY 10984
    Glander International Lake Success Plaza
    One Hollow Lane
    Lake Success, NY 11042
    Gus Electronics
    Marine Division
    3700 West 61st Avenue
    Anchorage, AK 99502