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Filing Without an Attorney

Bankruptcy Basics

Basic information for debtors, creditors, court personnel, the media, and the general public on different aspects of the federal bankruptcy laws from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.


Additional Information About Filing Without An Attorney


Informational website created by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts intended for debtors interested in filing without an attorney (pro se).


Means Test Information


Information from the U.S. Trustee regarding the means test form and links to Census Bureau and the Internal Revenue Service resources for data needed to complete the form.


Credit Counseling


Information from the U.S. Trustee regarding pre-petition credit counseling and a list of approved credit counseling agencies.


Financial Management (Debtor Education)


Information from the U.S. Trustee regarding personal financial management instructional courses (debtor education) and a list of approved debtor education providers.


Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines for Chapter 7 Fee Waiver Eligibility



JCUS Interim Procedures Regarding Chapter 7 Fee Waiver Provisions



Director's Interim Guidance Regarding Tax Information


Legal Assistance