The Census Bureau’s Median Family Income Data and Administrative Expense Multipliers as well as the IRS's National Standards for Allowable Living Expenses and Local Standards for Transportation and Housing and Utilities Expenses accessible...
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News & Announcements
Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page.
The information on unclaimed funds has been updated. Please visit the Unclaimed Funds page to access the new information, guidelines, and forms.
A new Claims Upload module has been implemented into the District of Wyoming’s CM/ECF system. This new capability operates similarly to Case Upload and will allow for qualified users to file claims in batches instead of filing each claim...
The new toll-free phone number to reach the Voice Case Information System (VCIS) is (866) 222-8029.
Access to VCIS using the existing phone numbers will cease on February 17th, 2012.